ХеленКей Даймон

Sheltered — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: She'd always preferred handling things on her own. Until a sexy undercover agent stepped in to protect her.Strong-and-silent Holt Kingston has one mission: to infiltrate a dangerous cult with more firepower than faith. But when the compound’s...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474005357
Reunion With Benefits — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: There are two sides to every scandal.His side…and the truth.Abby Rowe managed to avoid her former boss, Spence Jameson for months. But now she’s forced to attend one of his parties and it may just turn into their second chance.
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474076517
The Reluctant Heir — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: One person knows the truth that could ruin his familyFind Hanna Wilde. The order from Carter Jameson’s father will ensure his inheritance. But when Hanna returns to the Jameson estate the passion between her and Carter ignites!
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474076760
Pregnant By The Ceo — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: Derrick Jameson dedicated his life to the family business, and all he needs to close the deal is the perfect fianc?e.When the sister of his nemesis shows up, desperate to make amends, it’s perfect…until a surprise pregnancy comes to light!
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474076135
Everything You Need To Know — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: Guess who I’m temping for this week: Forest Redder. Yes, the Forest Redder, millionaire commercial real estate powerhouse (whatever that is…) There’s nothing on this guy in the Need to Know database, but the man is seriously HOT! There’s...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472041982
Traceless — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: AN UNDERCOVER AGENT WILL TRAVEL TO THE UNFORGIVING UTAH DESERT TO RESCUE HIS WIFE IN HELENKAY DIMON'S LATEST CORCORAN TEAM NOVEL.Connor Bowen hasn't seen his wife since she left him seven months ago claiming he was more married to his job than he...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472050267
Lawless — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: WHEN A CORPORATE RETREAT TURNS INTO CORPORATE SABOTAGE, THE CORCORAN TEAM SENDS IN THEIR BEST. Undercover agent Joel Kidd wasn’t picked just for his risk-assessment and kidnap-prevention skills. He had inside knowledge of the mission’s...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472050205
Under the Gun — ХеленКей Даймон
Night Moves — ХеленКей Даймон
Switched — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: For security expert Aaron, it was just another routine job, protecting his client at an office party.Until commandos stormed the place and took a hostage. But they had the wrong woman…innocent Risa. Now, trapped in the midst of a deadly...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472006882
Copy That — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: When Jeremy Hill seeks sanctuary in his twin brother’s home, he finds an armed man already inside and Meredith, a gorgeous tenant caught in the crossfire.Jeremy has no room for emotions, but what Meredith stirs within him may complicate this...
  • Издательство: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472011978
Укрощенный холостяк — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: Шейн Бейкер, сотрудник секретной организации «Коркоран», отчаянно сопротивляется влечению к Макане, младшей сестре своего товарища....
  • Серия: Интрига – Harlequin
  • Издательство: Центрполиграф
  • Год издания: 2015
  • ISBN: 978-5-227-06937-5
Двойная жизнь Линдси Пайк — ХеленКей Даймон
  • Автор: ХеленКей Даймон
  • Описание: Линдси Пайк, на первый взгляд резкая и взбалмошная девица, бежала из тоталитарной секты и теперь помогает освободиться другим таким...
  • Серия: Интрига – Harlequin
  • Издательство: Центрполиграф
  • Год издания: 2015
  • ISBN: 978-5-227-06753-1